CLEAR, 30000 SCREEN 1,640,200,2,2 WINDOW 1,"BRUSH TO BOB",,15,1 START: DIM BODY$(5,200) CLS:BEEP PRINT "** PLACE THE DISK CONTAINING THE FILE YOU WANT TO EDIT IN THE DRIVE" PRINT "** AND TYPE IN ITS COMPLETE PATHNAME, AS IN THE FOLLOWING EXAMPLE" PRINT PRINT " DF0:BRUSH/WIZARD " PRINT INPUT "** PRESS WHEN FINISHED ---> ",FILENAME$ OPEN FILENAME$ FOR INPUT AS 1 READ.FILE: JUNK=CVL(INPUT$(20,#1)) WYDTH=CVI(INPUT$(2,#1)):HEIGHT=CVI(INPUT$(2,#1)) ' WIDTH &HEIGHT IN PIXELS JUNK=CVL(INPUT$(4,#1)) PLANES=ASC(INPUT$(1,#1)) ' # OF BIT-PLANES MASK=ASC(INPUT$(1,#1)) ' THE TRANSPARENCY REGISTER COMPTYPE=ASC(INPUT$(1,#1)) ' COMPRESSION TYPE JUNK=ASC(INPUT$(1,#1)) JUNK=CVI(INPUT$(2,#1)) HASPECT=ASC(INPUT$(1,#1)):VASPECT=ASC(INPUT$(1,#1)) ' RESOLUTION IF PLANES=5 THEN JUNK=CVL(INPUT$(124,#1)) ELSEIF PLANES=4 THEN JUNK=CVL(INPUT$(76,#1)) ELSE JUNK=CVL(INPUT$(52,#1)) END IF SIZE=CVL(INPUT$(4,#1)) ROWBYTES%=INT((WYDTH-1)/16+1)*2 ' This is the hard part FOR I=0 TO HEIGHT-1 ' that Lee Savory helped with FOR J=0 TO PLANES-1 BODY$(J,I)=INPUT$(ROWBYTES%, #1) NEXT J NEXT I CLOSE #1 PRINT.SPECS: XC=2^INT(PLANES)-1 : REM TOTAL# OF COLORS IF INT(HASPECT)=10 THEN RES=320 :ELSE RES=640 PRINT " YOUR FILE: "; FILENAME$ :PRINT PRINT " WIDTH IN PIXELS: ";WYDTH,: PRINT "HEIGHT IN PIXELS: ";HEIGHT :PRINT PRINT " # OF BIT-PLANES: ";PLANES,: PRINT XC+1; " COLORS" :PRINT PRINT " THE RESOLUTION IS "; RES ;: PRINT " X 200 " PRINT " THE SIZE OF THE BODY IS"; SIZE PRINT:PRINT WRITE.FILE: PRINT " PUT DISK IN DRIVE AND TYPE COMPLETE PATHNAME OF FILE YOU WANT" PRINT " TO CREATE (EXAMPLE--DF0:BLOB " INPUT " PRESS RETURN WHEN FINISHED ---> ",FILEOUT$ OPEN FILEOUT$ FOR OUTPUT AS 2 PRINT #2, MKL$(0); PRINT #2, MKL$(0); PRINT #2, MKL$(PLANES); PRINT #2, MKL$(WYDTH); PRINT #2, MKL$(HEIGHT); PRINT #2, MKI$(24); PRINT #2, MKI$(XC); PRINT #2, MKI$(0); FOR J=0 TO PLANES-1 FOR I=0 TO HEIGHT-1 PRINT #2, BODY$(J,I); NEXT I NEXT J CLOSE #2 INPUT " TYPE <1> TO EDIT ANOTHER FILE, OR <2> TO QUIT ",S ON S GOTO RESTART, QUIT RESTART: CLEAR : GOTO START QUIT: END ' ** Instructions, sort of ** ' This editor will convert a BRUSH created in Deluxe Paint into ' the format required for a BOB by the OBJECT.SHAPE statements in AmigaBasic. ' The brush can be in 320 or 640 X 200 or 400 resolution and in 32, 16, or ' 8 colors. ' At the moment the Deluxe Paint file cannot be compressed. ' An approximate safe max. size is 40 pixels wide X 90 pixels tall-- ' An "input past end" error when loading the IFF file means you're ' trying to read a compressed file. ' Graphicraft (v. 1) doesn't compress files, so this editor could read ' a full screen, if you can then figure out how to stuff the resulting ' 41 K or so into a BASIC array to PUT it on the screen..... ' If you want more information on BOB and SPRITE file formats, list the ' Object.editor program in the demos on the EXTRAS disk. For more info on ' IFF files, see all the stuff on Compuserve, especially a file called ' "IFF.text", which describes the file format. ' Fiddle with this, please!! It needs a decompression routine! ' --Mike Swinger 3/2/86 Columbus ASIG